Thursday, October 20, 2011

[the long awaited] September

"You maintain my lot, the lines have fallen to me in pleasant places." -Psalm 16:6

Well, I'm here.

Officially living in Prague, Czech Republic.
Attending the intensive acting for film program at the Prague Film School
... and intense it exactly what it is (but more of that later).

I don't think it's really hit me that I'm actually here.
Walking around the city, surrounded by so many inspirations, 
fashionably, photographically, physically...
it's unbelievable. 
So many languages. So many styles. So many PEOPLE!
It's also very convenient being able to speak Slovak instead of English when need be.
Slovak has proved itself useful many a times, thus far.

I've been here for just over a month now and although time is FLYING by, 
 I also feel like I've been here for months.
*awkward feelings*

So this is school?!
No way... it's not school when you love every single class...
It's not homework when what you're working on is what you want to do for the rest of your life...
They aren't teachers... they're legitimate professionals in their line of work.
(A few of my faculty...
  Nancy BishopBrian CaspeJessica Boone,Guy Roberts, Daniel Brown...
Check 'em out!)

But as I was saying about intense, uh yea.
My classes:

Acting Block
Acting Ensemble
Acting Styles
Acting Theory
Film Production
Meisner Technique
Stage Combat

It's a lot, but for the first time in my life, I can focus 100% on acting for film, which is simply amazing.
I leave school thinking,
“Agh, so much to do... wait, no... no job, no 'pointless' homework (math, politics, research, yada, yada, yada), no distractions.... all I have is watching fantastic movies, reading insightful books (and I hate reading), memorizing scripts, scheduling film projects, working out, practicing methods and buy fresh veggies at the market outside my flat.
Whata life.
But seriously, even though I don't have a job here or "pointless homework," 
there is still so much to do. 
I've been incredibly busy.

We're tight with the 50 film making students,
but nothing's tighter then the relationship us actors have with each other. 
After all, there's only 10 of us. 
It's difficult to explain the bond between actors...
Classes everyday for 8 hours, practice outside of class and then of course filming. 
With 60 students total, the PFS (Prague Film School) crew is family. 
An international family; 30 countries are represented here this year.
If there's one thing I've learned thus far,
you can never, ever know where a person is from based on accent and dress.
Needless to say, I'm not the only one who has moved around quite a bit while growing up.
Although I don't speak 5 languages, I feel right at home.

My nationality is Canadian/American here, and although I'm proud to represent both,
I still take it as a compliment when people think I'm from Europe.

It's been about 6 weeks and I already have 10 films under my belt, with 5 more coming up this week.
I'm signed with two casting agencies so far, and have auditions lined up.
My flat is amazing, and my screenwriting flatmate and I get along really well.

Life is so interesting here... 
I find myself in this strange situation....
Last year, at this very time, I could not wait to get here,
could not wait to start the rest of my life.
And now I'm here, and I still don't know where exactly my life is going.

But it's ok...
The preparations of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. (Prov. 16:1)
I've prepared, now it's God's job to tell me what to do next.
How much better to get wisdom than gold! (Prov. 16:16)
It's difficult not having job for the first time in years, but I'm here to study. And it's good.
The lot is cast in the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord. (Prov. 16:33)
I do what I can, but God decides the results.

I find those verses very comforting and extremely appropriate, especially the past few weeks.
There's so much going on, so much I don't know.
But what I do know is I'm here for a reason.
And that He brought me here.
And that I'm so grateful and blessed to have this opportunity.

As for prayer requests, I would appreciate prayer for wisdom and focus.
There is so much to do, and honestly not that much time.
So many decisions to make, so many opportunities.
I want to make sure my ears are open to Him and my feet are ready to walk His walk.
Whatever, whenever and wherever that may be.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again -
I can honestly feel the prayers.
There are days I have energy, when I should be exhausted.
Calm, when I should be upset.
Healthy, when I should be sick.
Creative, when I don't think I am.
Of course there are rough days every once in a while,
but overall, there's this peace, this calm and a definite excitement : ).

Thank you so much for your prayers.
There is no other way to say it.

With love and gratitude,
 from Prague,

Prov. 16:33

A look at September...

My cousin (Lindsay) joined me while I visited Slovakia for a week before school started.
SO good to see my dear friend Veronika again. Stayed with her for most of the week.
 Very much loving European chocolate.
Caving with my host sister Janka.
Here we go...
Screenwriting flatmate Caroline. 
Metros and trams everyday now.
Such a beautiful place to live.
In class.

The video wasn't uploading to the blog right, so here's the link to see a vlog I had to make for a class:

To see more pictures and current updates, check out: