Wednesday, July 13, 2011

June's Jitters


June was a bit jittery. 

The verse that never left my mind this month was Phil. 4:6 - 
"Be anxious for nothing... but give thanks to God."

Often I become so anxious for the next step that I forget where I am at the moment. 
Just like wanting more, but not realizing what I already have. 

An example of this is my anxious nerves as I anticipate my European studies and travels. 
At times I become frustrated with "life here," as my travel bug infection spreads throughout my body. 
However, I seem to forget that God has already allowed me to travel to Kentucky for work and California and Virginia (which were first timers for me) for close friends since April alone. 
Not only have I been able to travel and make some amazing memories, but I've also had the privilege of visiting new places and experiencing new cultures with some incredible individuals.

In addition to traveling to Virginia, here's what went down during the month of June:

Got my ears pierced! =D 
Better late then never ;)

In PFS (Prague Film School) news, I got my list of fall semester courses! I'll be taking Curriculum in Acting Technique, Film Acting Practicum, Movement, Voice, Film Production and an elective of my choice. I have till the end of July to decide my elective... so many interesting ones to chose from!

There's never a dull moment in agency life.
Full of auditions, castings, filming, networking, ect. 
Found out George Clooney's film (Ides of March) that I was a part of back in February not only bumped up its premiere date from December 12 to August 31st, but it's also the opening film for the Venice Film Festival! Pretty neat to be a part of something so big.  
 Got to be the model in the Lash Love, NovaLash Extension video (if you get a chance, please vote for this video! It not only helps Amy, the lash extenstionist, but also me! :] ). Worked on set for a Sundance Film Festival and potential Disney Channel film (Gibsonburg) and brought along my little brother for his first film experience ever. In addition to getting paid and becoming an "official" actor, he said he wanted to audition for his high school's play now. Yay! ;). Also worked on set for the independent film "Call Me" and was asked to be on a team for Columbus' 48 Hour Film Festival. And a super fun treat was assisting the very talented Christina Littleton as a photographer at one of her many weddings (Christina Littleton Photography). Always a pleasure :).

As for Mary Kay, thanks to my new team members, I was crowned Queen of the Court of Sharing at our unit's quarterly event. I am so thankful for the gift of Mary Kay's business opportunity that was presented to me last November. All money earned from Mary Kay goes directly into my savings for Prague, which now has a very comfortable base, such a blessing. Some of my newest team members have included members of my own family, and it's so fun to see them soar and dream again :).
Money doesn't buy us happiness, but it does give us choices.

Also, in June it was my parent's 26th wedding anniversary. And in celebration, they took two of my three brothers (and their two friends) and myself to a water park. Now that's love ;).

For weekly updates, pictures and links, be sure to check out my fan page SarahBrown.

June was full of joys, jitters and remembering that God is always in control. 
When you pray, He does answer. And almost always it's in ways we never even thought about. The hard part is accepting His answer and trusting that He knows what he's doing, even though we don't understand.
"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven." -Ecc. 3:1

As always, thank you for praying. 
With love and gratitude, 

Phil. 4:6

A few moments from June...

Ears pierced, check!

On set for NovaLash's "Love Those Lashes"
(Be sure to vote here!)

On set for "Gibsonburg" with little brother Chris and good friend Katy.
I was so excited to bring him along for his first film :)

 On set for "Call Me" with Katy.
(And that's apple juice for anyone curious...)

So excited my sister Amy, cousin Ellen and mum Deb (not pictured) have joined in on the Mary Kay opportunity!

Happy 26th wedding anniversary mum and dad :]

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