Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The lucky three - Oct, Nov. Dec.

December 26, 2011
I sit here, in my cozy little flat.
The day after Christmas, candles lit, wordless music playing.
Soaking in the blur of this past semester.

October, November and December seriously blended all as one giant month.
Mainly because filming projects overlapped from the end of one month into the beginning of the next.

It's funny how quick we are to forget how far we've come and worry about what's next. 
At least for me. 

God is so good. And as I look to the future, I need to remember that. 
He blessed me me above and beyond this past semester, only now I am truly realizing the significance of everything.
If you've kept up with my Facebook page, you saw in October that I posted a goal to be registered with three agencies by the end of October... and on October 31, I signed with my third. Since then, I have registered with two more and been in contact with a third. A total of six this semester. WOW. 
Also, I was hoping to get the opportunity for paid work next semester, since I've been going to casting calls nearly every week, especially in the past two months.
However, in December I was blessed with two very well paid jobs and great experiences.

It's now, as I sit alone and have time to reflect, that I realize just how much He has done for me. 
We get so caught up in the busyness of everything, that although we recognize it's God's doing and thank Him, we don't fully understand how blessed we really are. 
At least I don't. 

So I sit here, in complete awe and thanksgiving to God. 
Humbled with His blessings.
It is with a tired body, but a grateful heart, that I reflect on the past three months:

Octnovdec - that should be a real word

Well, what a semester!
I haven't done an exact calculation, but I had the privilege of participating in roughly 25 films this past semester, not counting the vlogs and series I filmed and created for myself (some of which are on my YouTube page). 
As I mentioned in my previous blog, I love my faculty and the diversity of our program. 
Also extremely blessed by the other acting students in our program. As there are only 10 of us, six of which are girls, they was an original fear of the much ironic word "drama," however, we are family. And drama is merely our profession and study, not our livelihood ;) . 
Very grateful.

There is so much I could say about these past few months, so some highlights from Octnovdec?

-Well, the biggest one: Mum came to visit!
Mum came in mid November and spent a whopping TEN days in Prague!
While I was in class and on set, she was able to travel around Prague and beyond, visiting some of the places she used to go to when we lived in Germany, back when Czech Republic was still Czechoslovakia.
(which split in '92 and became Czech Republic and Slovakia - and I have now lived in both)
  It was wonderful to see her, especially since - OH, YES! ANOTHER BIG HIGHLIGHT:

-I'm staying for a 2nd semester!
Yup, got approved by Prague Film School and Cedarville University (who I'm here through) and I'm staying for the full school year!
I am so looking forward to next semester's classes, as well on pursuing more outside, professional work. 
And so since I wouldn't be returning to the States for Christmas, mum came to visit.... and bring Christmas to me :). 
That's right! She brought all my gifts from the family (in November! That's the earliest they've EVER been ready!) and grandparents... and Santa. He got word of my extended stay and had my Christmas stocking all ready to go. 
Everything was waiting, until yesterday, on the top shelves of my closet to be opened... and you bet I was like a little kid, staring at that top shelf whenever I opened the closet doors, wondering what all was up there. 
It really made Christmas special. So did opening them while on Skype with my parents Christmas morning. My time 9:30 am, their time 3:30 am. 
It may seem little, but I felt so loved by my family, even though they're thousands of miles away. 
I love them so much, and I do miss them. 

-Another highlight, I'm so blessed to still be able to run my Mary Kay business.
It may not be the same income I was receiving from it while I was still in the States, but it's income nonetheless. Wow. I can't sell to Czechs or residence here, but some of my clients in the States have continued to place orders and all I have to do is put the order through online, and their product is delivered to their door. Fantastic.
Another fun part of mum visiting, she was able to bring me more product (for myself) that I was running low on ;). 

-If you've been keeping up with my Facebook page, you saw that one of those two great jobs and experiences was a McDonald's commercial
Yup, I'm in a Czech McDonald's commercial :). And let me add, I was the only native English speaker not only cast, but also on set. What a privilege. The commercial is on honor of the 20th anniversary of McDonald's being in the Czech Republic. In my research, I found the last McD's commercial Czech did was five years ago, for their 15 year anniversary. Also let me add, McDonald's here is nothing like McDonald's in the States or Canada. Think of it like a Panara or a very nice coffee house that serves food. Complete with couches and decorations and even a separate counter (or two) to order your coffee drinks and desserts from. Not gonna lie, I meet my friends there quite often. 
Good price, good drinks, good environment, Mmhmm I'm lovin' it ;). 
(I was not paid to say that...)

A couple smaller highlights:
I have a screen name
(since Sarah Brown is already a well known American actress in the States)
In the acting world, I'm Sarah Marie.

Finished editing/creating my demo reel - check it out!

Yea... I'd say that's it for major highlights. One big one each month it seems. 
October - Goal of three agencies met! (and MK business continuing)
November - Mum visits! (and it's confirmed I'm staying the year)
December - McDonald's commercial (and the other great gig)

Do you see God working?
I sure do. 

Thank YOU for praying. 
God is going above and beyond what I could have imagined. 
There are some great opportunities and exciting things coming up, starting in a few weeks...
And I'm excited to see where they go and what God will do.

Please continue to pray for me. 
For a clear head, for listening ears, for open eyes, for a willing heart.
And for feet to follow Him where He guides me.
I also ask for prayer for strength and for solid relationships. 
If you know even a little of this industry, you know it can be grueling and lonely. 

I hope you, all, had a wonderful Christmas! And may you have an equally wonderful new year, full of adventures and memories :).

With love and gratitude from Prague, 

Luke 1:46-47

Because a picture speaks a thousand words....

Behind the scenes on set....

From some of the films this semester...

McDonald's commercial.

Mum in Prague!

American mum, meet my Slovak siblings.

Merry Christmas from Prague :)

Check out my YouTube channel!

And my acting demo reel!

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