Monday, April 9, 2012

February's Frustrations & the Mercies of March

February was frustrating. 
But March was merciful. 

Everything happens for a reason, 
I've always been a firm believer in that phrase.

Once again I'm updating this blog via travel. 
I'm on my way to Slovakia again, but missed my train.
So as I sit here in the train station, 
I'm reminded, once again, to slow down. 
It's okay. Take a breather. 

I've been told these bi-monthly updates are getting lengthy to read. 
I agree. 
So I will stick to the basics. 

Febru-weary. Was. Cold. 
It's become clear to me, that if I'm ever to live in a cold climate again, 
I absolutely must travel to a warm environment at least once during the cold spell. 
It's amazing how much the sun (or lack there of) can affect us emotionally. 
However, I'm going to focus on the positive,
as I am ever grateful for these continuous opportunities that God has given me. 
(Just know February had it's difficult moments. 
Sometimes life is hard, but all the time, God is with us.
Thanks for praying for me.)

In February, as you know from my previous update,
I went to my old home town of Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia
to visit friends and ski.
(-35 degrees F, ya'll.. that's COLD)
The lifts at the main ski resort were actually frozen.
But friends are friends and it was great to see them.
Also my childhood neighbors from Germany 
(who still live in the house next to ours in Erlangen!)
visited Praha for a weekend.
We only see each other every few years, 
but when we do, it's as if we saw each other all the time.
In March, one of my closest friends from Slovakia also visited Praha for a weekend.
She took me shopping, for clothes.
(which I absolutely hate doing), and it was fun!
Also, one my sister's friends from Cedarville, who is studying in Vienna, 
was also able to stay with me for a weekend - free of charge ;).
It pays to have friends all over the globe!
No excuse not to travel.

In February, I was able to take part in some really cool projects that were connected to the school;
a short film, a music video and four commercials
I also started doing casting for projects. 
What started with one independent film, 
ended up in six student films, and an Italian film.
It's that awkward moment when one night you're filming auditions for a director
and the next day you're at an agency auditioning yourself.
It really helps me as an actor, and audition-er, to cast. 
Not only do I connect with those auditioning well, 
since I am also an actor, 
but I also get an idea of what other casting directors like and don't like.
In March, my good friend (and fellow classmate and actress) and I
wrote our own short film.
We organized, planned and co-directed our idea which filmed at the end of March. 
I had never directed a project before, 
so it was absolutely thrilling to actually see an idea that formed in our heads
show on screen. 
Not many people can see what you imagine in your head.
Film allows the world to see those images.
This, is why I love film.


Always an advocate of “learning best by doing,”
I was able to do some projects outside of film school
and non-agency related.
In February, I was in a British comedy pod cast (The Chop House) that is now available on YouTube and free on iTunes.
(Warning: some adult humor)
In March, I did a commercial for a language school and a voice over for the video game Carrier Command Geae Mission .
(be sure to check it out this summer!)
I got to achieve one of my childhood dreams and be the voice of the computer!
(I'm also a voice in the trailer and a small soldier role)
Also fabulous – in February I set up my ImdB account
Check it out!
And in March I made my offical website!
Check it out =)
March brought sprits of warm weather.
Felt like Ohio at times: sunny and warm one day, snow flurries the next.
But nonetheless, spring is on its way.
Even though my destination this weekend (Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia)
is expecting snow tomorrow, which is Easter Sunday...

Although it's been a tough few months, there is always so much to be grateful for.
Sometimes think God allows us to go through tough situations just to prove Satan wrong.
Kind of like Job.
To show Satan that we can praise Jesus, even when we're hurting.
God is faithful, and answers prayers, even when we doubt Him.

My reoccurring verse
“For I know the plans I have for you, 
plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.”
-Jeremiah 29:11

And my reoccurring theme song (for life it seems) is

It's strange to think that this exact time last year I was emailing you, all, asking for a year's worth of prayer.
How quickly this year has gone by. Wow.
And how awesome to see what all God has done.
Pomaly ale isto...
God is slowly but surely working on my heart.
Teaching me, reminding me, encouraging me
that I am never alone.
The relationship that matters the most is the one with Him.
Boys aside. Friends aside. Even family at times, aside.
God is the one who will never let me down.
Who will always listen.
Who will never let go.
And who will always be with me,
where ever in the world I go.

It's comforting and yet overwhelming to think He loves me so much,
even though I keep messing up over and over again.
I'm especially reminded this weekend, Easter weekend,
of what He did for me.
That He actually died for me.
It's overwhelming.

He has a plan, and I believe I'm on the right path.
Even though I don't know how, when, why or where.
I DO know the next step,
and I am ever so excited to see Him work.
I'll share the news next month.

In the meantime, thanks for a year of prayer.
This army is like non other :).
And I'm truly blessed to have each one of you in my life.
This update is already longer than I wished it to be,
so I'll leave it at this:

Heavenly Father, You always amaze me...
So why should I worry, why do I freak out?
God knows what I need, You know what I need.
Your love is, Your love is, Your love is strong.
Your love is, Your love is, Your love is strong.
Your love is, Your love is, Your love is strong...”

With love and gratitude from Prague,

Jeremiah 29:11



 Childhood German neighbors 

 Veronika :)

Behind the scenes of music videos, commercials and short films.

 Voice over work is super fun!

For more recent updates, check out

And be sure to check out my website :D

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